All of our systems are backed up on a daily basis. We routinely test these backups to make sure they are working to insure that they are there when you need them. Backups can be done onsite or offsite or both, depending on your specific application and specific need.
We can can also provide a near real time disaster recovery solution for your high need and high availability website or applications. Through our disaster recovery offering, we provide a completely replicated server in a different physical data center over 300 miles away. If anything happens to the server, power, or connectivity in the host data center, we can fail over your entire system in less than one hour and have you back up and running again. This relies on capturing every write-to-disk at the hypervisor level without sacrificing performance or security for your application. No agents are required to be installed and both of your environments continue to operate normally. This is a fully encrypted replication system to keep confidential information safe and secure. Our system includes the ability to test at any time.
Every disaster recovery solution that we provide can be customized to your specific set of needs. Call us at 248-625-0817 or email us at today to let us help you see if this disaster recovery product is right for you.